
Thursday, May 28, 2020

For Kobe and Gianna

For Kobe

For the Black Mamba and
For Gianna

Blog Post

In a blog post you want it to be popular and
interesting, The things you need in a blog
post is introduction, catchy title, and what
have you been doing, every blog post you
publish always includes those 3 things that
also include a greeting.

The title is very important because if you
have a very catchy title people will start
looking at that post and comment.

In a comment you need to include these 3
things positive, thoughtful and helpful, If
you see a really good blog post include
those 3 things and be nice in their blog
because they have worked hard and want
it to be proud.

The Philippines

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

My video

This is my Video
Hope you like it!

My video

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020


In the Philippines there are 7,641 islands.
The biggest islands are Luzon and Mindanao.
Philippines is a country in Asia,
it is in Southeast Asia Philippines was named after King Philip II of Spain.
The national bird of the Philippines is the Philippines eagle
(Monkey eating eagle.)
It's one of the rarest birds which is endangered,
There are only 400 left in the wild. Because they are losing their natural habitat

About them: The females and males eagles have fascinating different hairstyles

  • Females Philippines eagles are usually bigger
  • It can live up to 60 years
  • Has a better eyesight than humans
  • It has a wingspan up to 184 to 220 cm
  • It is 3 ft tall
  • It's the 5th biggest bird
  • It became endangered in 1934
  • Its prey are medium sized animals
  • They don't really eat Monkeys

The Philippines was once colonized by Spain for 333 years
and the United States ruled Philippines,
also Japan ruled for 3 years.

The Philippines is the second largest archipelago in the world,
It has beautiful beaches and tropical islands.
Manila is the capital city of the Philippines which is very populated.