
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Molten Monsters

Molten Monsters Once upon a time faraway Island that was covered in molten filled with lava creatures there were over 1500 of them on the island. An egg was hatching and now a little baby called Molten. For a long time he has been learning how to fight and hunt their prey. They can live up to 5387 years. His mother said “Our enemies are the Ice, Water, Grass and Earth, Fire beats ice, Earth and Water Fire are the hardest creatures to fight each other”. As soon Molten was an adult he was able to take care of himself. He was walking to get food then what he saw was an Ice Monster they stared at each other and began fighting Molten uppercut the Ice monster and melted it. He became a Fighter and hunted other vicious creatures. Molten walked for 3 days when he went to the forest he sees a fearless Fire breathing Dragon, he comes very slowly and pet it the dragon roared and started sleeping with him, The next day he trained him to fight and fly properly, Molten trained and trained to get stronger and spit lava to his rivals. The dragon smells a creature that lives near Molten and his dragon “it's an earth creature!”, The dragon breathed fire and Molten punched the earth creature so hard it turned into Black Stone. Chapter 2 He walked for so long with his dragon and far away from his island he sees The Ice kingdom, He sees ice giants building something big. Molten's dragon breathed fire quietly so he can make a crack on the ice so that the ice giants can drown, it was loud when they were drowning but they started doing a very loud roar so that they can call their alpha so Molten and his dragon knew that they were being hunted too Molten went on the dragons back and started flying up to the sky. Molten thought they were safe in the clouds but he looked behind and see 6 dragons chasing him the front was the Alpha giant they turned around and attacked the Ice giants, Molten use his melting fist and his dragon used his fire breathe, There were smoke everywhere and the Ice giant and the Alpha was defeated into small pieces. The ice kingdom was gone, they were the last Ice giants on the world. As they came closer to the defeated Ice giants Molten and his dragon sees a treasure it was an Ice tool they picked it up and decided to keep it as to attack other predators. They moved over to the Water giants he said “ It will be very hard to challenge the Water giants.” Walking and walking they finally made it to the Water temple.

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