
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Why do we kill animals

Why do we kill animals? Farmers are taking forests to grow palm oil and destroying animal habitats and threatening them to extinction. How can we help endangered animals? Don’t cut down trees because then the animals don’t have food or shelter and we will tell the palm oil farmers that habitats are being lost and numbers of animals are going down. In my opinion endangered animals need help because people and poachers are hunting them to extinction. We need to convince the poachers by telling them that not to kill animals Make laws for the endangered animals and make laws for hunting and shooting so that the animals won’t become extinct. Another threat is that people catch baby animals to have as pets and take them to different countries. In New Zealand ferrets, stoats and rats eat the eggs of endangered birds so there are not enough babies. This is what we can help endangered animals. If people dump their pets away the pets will die of starvation but the WWF helps homeless pets and they take care of the homeless pets until someone will own it.

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